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同课异构《Will people have robots?》(郭晓燕)

发布时间:2012-03-28 17:02:03   来源:


Will people have robots?》教学实录
教学目标:Make predictions
Step 1Before class
T: Hello, everyone! Nice to meet you! First let’s listen to a songWhen I was a little girl, it’s about a girl’s dream, Please listen to it carefully and try to sing and remember the sentences in it.
Ss: Listen and sing.
T: What did the girl ask her mother?
Ss: Will I be happy? Will I be pretty?
T: Yes, today we will use the sentences like these to talk about the things in the future.
Step 2.  Lead in
T: What’s this?
SsIt’s a robot.
T: Do you have a robot?
Ss: No.
T: Me, too. But I think I will have a robot in the future. Will people have robots in the future? Today we will learn unit1 Will people have robots?
Ss: Will people have robots? ( read it three times)
T: In this unit, we will talk about “ How to make predictions”.
 Step 3. New material——My prediction
T: What can we use to make predictions, Please listen and look.
 Ss; Read the sentences and try to understand them.
   In 988 years, kids won’t carry the backpack to school, it will carry the kids.
The four-legged jeans will help you have a place to sit everywhere you go.
T: What can we use to make predictions?
Ss: “Will”.
T: Yes. Then draw a conclusion. 
Step4. Your Prediction
T: Now look at my predictions.I will be a reporter.I wont live in Jiyuan. What about yours?
Ss: I will be a reporter.
   I will buy a big house.
   I will travel around the world.
Step5Talk about the future
T: I think the world will be different in the future, do you think so?
T: How will the world be different in the future, 100 years from now? Read these predictions. Check A for agree or D for disagree.
Ss: Read the sentences and translate them into Chinese and then write their answers in the chart.
T: (to s1)People will have robots in their homes. Do you agree?
S1: Yes.
T: will people have robot in their homes?
S1: (help them to answer) Yes, they will.
Use the same ways to talk about the predictions in 1a.
Step 6. listening
1b. Listen and circle the predictions you hear in activity 1a.
After listening ,check the answers.
Step 7. Pairwork
Ask and answer questions about the activity 1a. of course they can ask any questions they like.
After pairwork, choose some students to act their dialogues out.
T: You did a good job and you know the world in the future quite well. Here are some picture now ,can you say some sentences about them
(help them to answer)
S1: The Bird Nest will be dirty in ten years.
S2: Will the bird Nest be dirty in ten years?
   Yes, it will ./ No, It won’t.
S3: The Bird Nest won’t be dirty in ten years.
    (教师要管住自己的嘴, 把课堂还给学生, 在教师引导、学生充分理解之后,我把课堂还给了学生,让他们去听获取知识,让他们去操练和表演,给他们提供舞台,让他们去创新,以此巩固所学。同时在这样的氛围中,学生有更多可以发言的机会,学生在课堂上有更多的展示自我的空间,我感到很安慰.
Step 8Talk about the city in the future
T: The world will be different and I think the city in the future will also be different, do you think so?
Ss: Yes.
T: OK. Now Let’s listen to the tape and you will know the differences. Of course you should circle the words you hear. First please read the sentences.
Ss: 1. There will be more / less / fewer people.
2. There will be more / less / fewer free time.
3. There will be more / less / fewer cars.
4. There will be more / less / fewer pollution.
5. There will be more / less / fewer trees.
T: Now listen. And then check the answers.
After check the answers, students find what they think is the important.
Step 9. Listening
Listen again and check the predictions you hear.
Ss: (read the sentences in 2b.)
       1. There will be fewer people.
       2. There will be less free time.
       3. People will use the subways less.
       4. There will be more pollution.
       5. Cities will be very big and crowded.
T: “People will use the subways less.” Means “ there will be fewer subways.”
Ss: listen to the tape and give their answers.
Step 10. Guoupwork
Look at activity 2b. Make conversations about the predictions.
Step11. Practice
Do some exercises:
1.In the future people will live _____ 100 years old.
   A./              B. to           C. for          D. to be
2. I think _______ more tall buildings and cars in five years.
   A. there are B. there is C. there will be D. there will have
3. Kids _____ go to school in the future.
   A. don’t       B. didn’t       C. won’t       D. wouldn’t
4.I think she _____ be a doctor in 5 years.
   A. /            B. would         C. likes        D. will
5. They will study at home ____computers.
   A. in           B. at             C. on            D. from
1.     当一个或几个学生在表演的时候,其他学生没有融入到其中,没有静听和思考,游离于活动之外,在今后的教学中要注意调控课堂,使每一位学生都融入情境中。
2.     忽略设计学习内容与现实生活的相关练习,缺乏体现语言的活用性,应适当增补格外的知识。

上一篇:同课异构《Will people have robots?》(苏海玲)
