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[录像三个一]Unit 8 I will help clean up the city parks  郑卫青

发布时间:2013-05-28 15:16:11   来源:


Unit 8 I will help clean up the city parks.
Teaching aims:
1. Revise the words and useful expressions.
2. Talk about volunteer work.
3. Writing
Main points:
1 Talk about volunteer work.
2 Writing
Difficult point:
Teaching steps:
Step1New words
2.无家可归的homeless----careless/ helpless
8.聋的deaf--------the blind/deaf
Step 2:Phrases
1. 打扫干净,梳理整齐 clean up
2. 使…振奋, 高兴起来cheer up
3. 分发,发放give out/hand out
4. 推迟,推延put off doing
5. 写下write down
6. 展示,张贴put up
7. 打电话call up
8. 想出come up with/think up
9. 建立,创立,开办set up
Step 3:Important phrases and sentences:
1.打扫城市公园clean up the city parks
2.帮助无家可归的人 help homeless people
3.建立食品救济站 set up a food bank
4.分发食物give out food
5.使生病的孩子高兴cheer up the sick kids
6.帮助孩子复习功课help kids with their schoolwork
7.张贴标牌put up signs
8.分发广告hand out advertisements
9.推迟做某事put off doing sth
10.志愿做某事volunteer to do sth.
11.花费时间做某事 Spend time doing sth
Step 4:Key grammar
not only …,but also …的用法
(1).引导以 not only …but (also)… 开头的句子往往引起部分倒装。
Not only do I feel good but (also)….
Not only can I do it but (also) I can do best.
(2).Not only…but (also)… 连接两主语时,谓语动词随后面的主语人称和数的变化也就是就近原则。
Not only Lily but (also) you like cat.
Not only you but (also) Lily likes cat.
1.Neither… nor…即不…也不… (两者都不)
Neither you nor I like him.
2.Either… or… 不是…就是… (两者中的一个)
Either Lily or you are a student.
3.Not only …but (also)…
4.There be… 结构
Step 5Practice
1.___ my father___my mother take good care of me.I love them so much.
 A.Either, or     B.Both, and
 C.Neither, nor   D.not only,but also
2.--Tell us something about Canada,OK?
 --I'm sorry.___Jack___I have been there.
   A.Either, or        B.Both, and 
   C.Neither, nor   D.Not only,but also
3.___ Lucu_____ Linda is going to see Titanic 3D this Sunday because they will have to take an English test.
      A.Either, or       B.Both, and 
     C.Neither, nor    D.not only,but also
4.Never ____today's work till tomorrow.   
 A.put off      B.put on
 C.put up       D.put down
5.--The girl is badly ill and doesn't have enough money.
 --We can raise some money to ____.
   A.keep her out    B.help her out
   C.cheer her up    D.wake her up
6.--Excuse me,will the plane for Beijing ____within an hour.
 --I'm not sure.You can go to the Information Desk for help.
   A.get off     B.take off
   C.turn off    D.show off
7.___ smoking is quite a difficult thing,but my grandfather did it!  
 A.Giving up      B.Giving away
 C.Giving out     D.Giving back
8.--May I speak to Mr.Smith?
   A.Look out     B.Hold on
   C.Keep up      D.Come on
9.--Mom,can leave my homework for tomorrow?
 --I'm afraid not.Don't ___what you can do till tomorrow.
   A.put on     B.put down
   C.put up     D.put off
Step 6 : Writing:
给材料作文; 中招试题汇编
     In our school, some students are always thinking more of others and are ready to help them. I'm moved deeply .Here is what they usually do.
   Liu Na is a very good student. She often picks up rubbish and cleans up the classroom to make our school more beautiful. Zhang Hua studies well. So she often helps other students with their studies. We all like her. Wu Tong is outgoing. He likes helping the people in trouble. When we are sad, he often cheers us up. He is helpful.
   I hope everyone can learn from them and do something for others.
Step 7 :Chicken soup    
 If everyone tries his best to help others, our world will become more and more beautiful. Giving is receiving. Helping others is helping ourselves.
Unit 8 I will help clean up the city parks.
1. Revise the words and useful expressions.
2. Talk about volunteer work.
3. Writing
Main points:
1 Talk about volunteer work.
2 Writing
Difficult point:
Teaching steps:
T:Please read the new words according to the PPT.
Ss :read and answer together.
2.无家可归的homeless----careless/ helpless
8.聋的deaf--------the blind/deaf
T:Read the phrases according the PPT
Ss :read and answer together.
1. 打扫干净,梳理整齐 clean up
2. 使…振奋, 高兴起来cheer up
3. 分发,发放give out/hand out
4. 推迟,推延put off doing
5. 写下write down
6. 展示,张贴put up
7. 打电话call up
8. 想出come up with/think up
9. 建立,创立,开办set up
(这一步复习有关up 所有短语,这既是考试中的易考点,同时又很容易混淆,让学生一起复习,辨别清楚。)
T:read the phrases on the book
Ss: read and answer together:
1.打扫城市公园clean up the city parks
2.帮助无家可归的人 help homeless people
3.建立食品救济站 set up a food bank
4.分发食物give out food
5.使生病的孩子高兴cheer up the sick kids
6.帮助孩子复习功课help kids with their schoolwork
7.张贴标牌put up signs
8.分发广告hand out advertisements
9.推迟做某事put off doing sth
10.志愿做某事volunteer to do sth.
11.花费时间做某事 Spend time doing sth
T: Now,let’s revise the grammar.
not only …,but also …的用法
(1).引导以 not only …but (also)… 开头的句子往往引起部分倒装。
Not only do I feel good but (also)….
Not only can I do it but (also) I can do best.
(2).Not only…but (also)… 连接两主语时,谓语动词随后面的主语人称和数的变化也就是就近原则。
Not only Lily but (also) you like cat.
Not only you but (also) Lily likes cat.
1.Neither… nor…即不…也不… (两者都不)
Neither you nor I like him.
2.Either… or… 不是…就是… (两者中的一个)
Either Lily or you are a student.
3.Not only …but (also)…
4.There be… 结构
T: Then let’s do some exercises:
1.___ my father ___my  mother take good care of me. I love them so much.
 A. Either, or     B. Both ,  and
 C. Neither ,  nor   D. not only, but also
2.--Tell us something about Canada, OK?
 --I'm sorry. ___Jack ___I have been there.
   A.Either, or        B.Both, and 
   C.Neither, nor   D.Not only,but also
3.___ Lucu_____ Linda is going to see Titanic 3D this Sunday because they will have to take an English test.
      A.Either, or       B.Both, and 
     C.Neither, nor    D.not only,but also
4.Never ____today's work till tomorrow.   
 A.put off      B.put on
 C.put up       D.put down
5.--The girl is badly ill and doesn't have enough money.
 --We can raise some money to ____.
   A.keep her out    B.help her out
   C.cheer her up    D.wake her up
6.--Excuse me,will the plane for Beijing ____within an hour.
 --I'm not sure.You can go to the Information Desk for help.
   A.get off     B.take off
   C.turn off    D.show off
7.___ smoking is quite a difficult thing,but my grandfather did it!  
 A.Giving up      B.Giving away
 C.Giving out     D.Giving back
8.--May I speak to Mr.Smith?
   A.Look out     B.Hold on
   C.Keep up      D.Come on
9.--Mom,can leave my homework for tomorrow?
 --I'm afraid not.Don't ___what you can do till tomorrow.
   A.put on     B.put down
   C.put up     D.put off
Ss do it together.
T:Now let’s read the Chinese first.Then think about it,and work in groups and talk about the important phrases that you can use.
Ss work in groups and talk about it.
     In our school, some students are always thinking more of others and are ready to help them. I'm moved deeply .Here is what they usually do.
   Liu Na is a very good student. She often picks up rubbish and cleans up the classroom to make our school more beautiful. Zhang    Hua studies well. So she often helps other students with their studies. We all like her. Wu Tong is outgoing. He likes helping the people in trouble. When we are sad, he often cheers us up. He is helpful.
   I hope everyone can learn from them and do something for others.
T:Class,let’s read together:
If everyone tries his best to help others, our world will become more and more beautiful. Giving is receiving. Helping others is helping ourselves.

上一篇:[录像三个一]Unit9 W hat does your friend look like ? 常亚飞
下一篇:[录像三个一]We are trying to save the manatees. 郭红玉
