[录像三个一]Unit9 Section A 2d-3c 李奎
发布时间:2013-05-31 10:03:36 来源:
七年级英语下Unit9 Section A 2d-3c 课堂实录
执教人:李奎 执教班级:七年级(3)班
Before class, sing the English song Take Me to Your Heart.
T: Let’s begin our class. Good morning, boys and girls.
Ss: Good morning, Mr. Li.
T:How are you today?
Ss: I’m fine, thank you, and you ?
T: Fine, too. Thanks. Excuse me, what’s the weather like in Jiyuan today?
Ss: It’s sunny.
T: What are you doing now, boys and girls?
Ss: We are standing and having an English class.
T: OK. Sit down, please.
T: Yesterday, we learned to describe persons, let’s write the words and phrases first. Guo Longcan, please write them on the blackboard, the others write them down on your exercise book.
The students write the words and phrases.
Check them.
T: Do you know when to use be or have/has to describe a person?
Ss: Be tall/short/of medium height/build and be thin/heavy, have/has long curly/straight hair.
T: Great! You’re right. We can also say a person has a big nose/a long face/small eyes……
Write the phrases on the blackboard after the words and phrases that the student wrote just now.
T: Next, let’s describe some famous people. Such as Yao Ming, Pan Changjiang and Li Yong. Do it by yourself first, and then talk to us.
The students do it in oral.
T: Yang Wenlong, please talk something about Yao Ming.
Y: Yao Ming is very tall, but he is a little thin. He has short straight hair, he is very strong.
T: You did very well, thank you.
(本环节的设计意在通过口头训练来学会对描述人物词汇的复习和运用,但学生并不能将刚刚所延伸的have a long face 等词汇用上。因此,学以致用的思想意识还需要进一步强化。)
Go on get some students to describe some famous people.
T: You can describe a famous person, but can you write down these sentences? Please write them down on your exercise book.
Get one to write on the blackboard, the others write them down on your exercise book.
After that, have them check each other’s writing with their partners, and then, look at the blackboard and correct it.
At last, read the sentences on the blackboard together.
T: Now,it’s time for us to learn the conversation, 2d of Section A. Listen to it first and after your listening, answer the two questions.
Write the questions on the blackboard:
1. What are they doing ?
2. When are they going to meet?
Play the conversation for them.
T: Zhao Yuke, please answer the first question.
Z: They are going to the movie.
T: Good, sit down, please. Kong Qianhao, the second one, please.
K: At 7:00 o’clock.
T: Yeah, I think so. Now, let’s repeat after the tape .
Play the conversation, have them read after it one by one sentence.
T: Next, please read in groups, for the boys, Mike. For girls, Tony.
Read in groups.
T: After your reading ,can you understand the conversation?
Ss: Yes, I can.
T: Do you have any problems?
Ss: No, we don’t have problems.
T: Really? Well, I have a problem, can you help me ?
Ss: OK.
T: Please look at this sentence: I may be a little late. What’s the meaning of may be in Chinese. Wang Xing, Please.
W: 也许是,可能是。
T: Very good, but can you use it to make sentences ? Please do it by yourselves first.
They make their own sentences.
After one minute, call some students to do it:
L: That man may be his father.
W: Li Yuchun may be a man.
Y: If you don’t do your homework, the teachers may be angry.
T: OK! You did very well this lesson, so much for this, thank you, bye!
1. 能够用全英进教学,为学生创造良好的英语学习氛围;
2. 课前,组织学生歌唱英文歌曲Take Me to Your Heart,有效的调动了学生的学习积极性和课堂气氛;
3. 注重三维目标的渗透,通过说写练习的相互结合,让学生尽可能最大限度地达到多种形式的训练,尤其是训练后的及时反馈,效果明显。在课后小结的同时, 特别注意情感教育的渗透,能够起到一定的思想引领作用;
4. 课堂上的板书时间安排合理,内容简洁明了,较能体现课堂教学的重点。
1. 课堂语言不够简洁明了,有时显得很繁杂,导致指令不够明确,给学生的听课和理解造成一定的心理负担。需要简化课堂用语,明确指令性语言,如有必要,可以适当地使用汉语进行解读;
2. 作为一节英语课,每一个环节力求有效,自然是本人不懈的追求,但本节课的内容涉及不够充分,而且活动设计也不够充足,训练效果不太好。
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