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[录像三个一]Unit 6 Section B (1a—2c) 原道燕

发布时间:2013-06-17 09:04:24   来源:


Unit 6  Section B (1a—2c) 教学实录
 执教人:原道燕    执教班级:八年级2班
T: Let’s begin our class. Good morning, boys and girls.
Ss: Good morning, Ms. Yuan.
T: First ,let’s have a dictation. Lucy and Tom ,please come to the front and write down the phrase on the blackboard.
raise money for the charity    several skaters     the whole five hours
Li was the first student to get to school yesterday.
three and a half years   three years and a half   an hour ago
二. Lead in
 T: Class, would you like to collect things? Everyone has his own hobby. My hobby is collecting stamps. I have been collecting them for several years. What about you ? What’s your hobby? Would you like to collect something intresting. Ok . Now today we’ll learn Section B (1a—2c).
Ss: My hobby is collecting shells because they are interesting . I have been collecting them for about 3 years.
T: Look at the pictures. What are they?
 Ss: coins, stamps, dolls, kites.
T: Can you add some more things.
S1: pictures ,photos.
S2: shells, CDs, leaves.
T: Anything else? stones, leaves, cards, movie and theater tickets.(Write them down on the blackboard.)
(反思:这一步是对下面要进行的爱好的铺垫,先了解一下我们经常会收集的东西,为学生奠定语言基础。另外补充了movie and theater tickets.为听力做好准备。因为这一点听力中学生很难听出来。)
四. Pairwork
T:I collect shells because they are beautiful . I would like stones because they are interesting.
Ss: ask and answer in pairs.
五. Listening
T: Bob, Maria and Liam like collecting things. What do they collect? How long ? and how many? Listen and fill in the blank.
Listen and read.
T:What does Bob collect?
S1: He collects kites.
T:How long has he been collecting kites?
S1:He has been collecting kites since he was ten years old.
T: How many does he have?
S1:He has 22.
Students write the three students’ hobbies.
Section B (1a—2c)
Step 1 Leading in
Ask some students the questions: How long did you skate ?How long have you been studying English ?(原来的教学设计是提问词组,对话的的导入可能会更能吸引学生,不至于课堂死气沉沉。)
Step 2 While-task
SB Page 47 , 1a & 1b .
1.    Ask different students to say the items they see in the picture .
2.    Ask students to write the names of things they collect and things they would like to correct in the chart .
3.    Ask some students to read their lists to the class .
4.    In pairs ,let students tell their partner what they collect and what they would like to collect .Say why .
5.    Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class .
SB Page 47 , 2a & 2b .
1.    Read the instructions and let the students know what to do .
2.    Play the recording and get students to fill in the chart .
3.    Correct the answers .
Step 4 Post-task
SB Page 47 , 2c .
1.    Ask two students to read the example in the sample dialogue .
2.    Have students practice conversations in pairs .
3.    Ask two pairs to say their conversations to the class .
Step 3 Pairwork
SB Page 46 , Part 4 .
1.    Read the instructions and ask two students to read the dialogue .
2.    Make sure students understand what they need to do .
3.    Have students complete the work in groups of four after class .
Step 4 Writing

上一篇:[录像三个一]八年级下册UNIT6 翟宝剑
下一篇:[录像三个一]第九章 第3节 大气压强 李登新
