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[录像三个一] Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?李艳玲

发布时间:2013-06-26 09:00:06   来源:


                                          Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells
The teaching process
    Step 1 Lead-inTI have a good friend .Can you guess what she looks like and what she is like?
 SShe is tall. /She is thin. / She has long hair./She is easygoing./…(Students use their imagination and express themselves freely.)
 TLets look at our photos. (Show them to the class) Please talk about us.
 S1She is shorter than you.
S2: She has longer hair than you.
S3: She is thinner than you. /… (Students get information from the photos.)
 TI’m more outgoing than my friend and she is calmer than me.Lead in the class subject.
 Step 2 Revision
1Revise the adjectives describing people’s appearance and personalities:
Divide the class into four groups and have a competition. See which group of the students can get as much as possible. Write down on a piece of paper prepared before class. (Students must collect them before class.)
2Show some photos about famous persons and talk about their personal traits, using description words, such as short hair/long hair, curly hair/straight hair, tall/short, heavy/thin, funny/serious, outgoing/quiet, smart/foolish, beautiful/ugly, intelligent/lazy, friendly/unfriendly…. on the Bb. One example is : Jack Cheng is tall, he has short black hair ,he is a little fat, he is  funny and intelligent.
Step 3 Presentation
1Learn some new words about personal traits: calm/wild, athletic/weak  using the pictures of 3 pairs of twins in Section A.
T: Who is calmer, Tom or Sam?
S1: Tom is calmer than Sam. Sam is wilder than Tam.
T: who is weaker, Sam or Tom?
S2: Tom is weaker than Sam. Sam is more athletic than Sam.
2Do Section A-1a.Match each word with the opposite. Check the answers.
3Get students to introduce the rules of the comparative degrees of adjectives.(Show them on the Bb)
Step 4 Consolidation
1TYou will hear there conversations about the people in the picture. They are all twins. Sometimes they look exactly alike, but not always. Listen to the conversations in 1b and number the picture. Check the answers (2 , 1, 3 from left to right)
2TLook at  the picture of Tina and Tara talking to the  reporter .We are going to listen what they are talking about.. Play the recording the first time (student only listen) Play the recording the second time. This time students write the words in the chart of 2a. 3Then  listen  the recording  again and  write  words in the boxes of 2b. These words  are  from  the list  in activity 2a..The words  tell  about  each  girl.
3Check the answers.
Step 5 Practice
Task 1: Interview famous personsPair work
1Demonstrate the activity with one student. (Imagine he/she is a famous person. The teacher acts as a reporter.)
eg T: Hello, Susan. May I ask you some questions about your family?
   S: Yes.
   T: Do you have a brother or a sister?
   S: Yes, I have one brothers and one sister.
   T: Who is taller, your sister or you?
   S: I’m taller than my sister.
   T: Who is more  athletic , your brother or you?
   S: My brother is.
(Show an example on the Bb)
Then ask some pairs to act them out in class.
2Get the Ss work in pairs using the information from 1a like this:
S1:Is that Tara ?
S2:No ,it isn't.It's Tina .Tara is shorter than Tina.
Then ask some pairs to act them out in class.
Task2: Get Ss to design their future and have a free talk.
T: Suppose you are a super star in the future. What will you look like and what will you be like?
S1: I’m better than now, of course.
T: I think you can be better and better.
S2 : I’m more athletic .
S3: I’m more outgoing.
Ask some Ss to share with others.
Step 6Readingand Writing
1Teach “look the same”“look different”“ be as good as”“be not as good as”“a little”using some pictures and comparing some Ss in class.
2Ss read the article. Then read the statements (1-5) about the article. Write “T”“F” or “Dk”.
3Check the answers. (Ask Ss to give reasons.)
4Ask Ss to write another letter.
T: You are Isabel now. Write a letter to reply Liu Li. Talk about the same and different between you and one of your friends.
5Choose two or three to share the letters with the whole class.
Step 7 Summary
1Give Ss a chance to summarize what we have learned in this class.(Ss can talk about it freely.)
2Give the Ss some complements and further explanations.
3Go through the contents in Grammar Focus
Step 8 Homework
1 Learn the new words and the target language in this period by heart
2. Do some exercises for consolidation.
3. Preview Section B.


本节课主要提通过让学生观察和发现,总结形容词比较等级的变化规则,并通过听说读写的训练,让学生掌握和运用形容词的比较级形式以及用形容词的比较级来比较人的个性特征“He has shorter hair than Sam.He is calmer than Sam."同时,通过小组活动,启发学生思维,培养合作意识,并通过谈论同学的特征,引导他们养成良好的性格。

Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells
Knowledge aimsKey vocabulary: raise   several   skater
1. Key structures  What sport do you play? Tennis.
- When did you startWhen I was eleven.
- How long have you been playing?Three and a half years.
Ability aims1.To train students’ scaning skill. 2.To train students’ ability of communication.
1. Teaching important points:1Key vocabulary words in this period.   2Understand the reading.
2 . Teaching  difficult points: 1.Make correct sentences using the target language in this period.
2.How to tell others your hobby and your classmates’ .
四、教法选择与学法指导 针对本节课内容,利用多媒体课件及任务型阅读法,小组合作交际来完成教学任务,重视对学生听、说、读、写技能以及良好阅读习惯的培养。
五、资源准备 多媒体课件、教室及相关教学资源。
Step1Warming up
( 3minutes)
Duty report
Ask a pair of students to say their conversation about the interview.
Listen to other students act out their conversations.
Step2 Reading(3a)
1. Go through the instruction with the class.
2. Show  a chart.
3. Show some questions(见幻灯片)
4. Listen to the passage and repeat it.
1. Let Ss look at the chart , then read the article , next fill in the chart
2. Read the article again and answer the questions.
1. 训练学生的快速阅读,培养学生的语音和语调。
Step3 (3b) Calculae the time
Read the instructions in 3b to the class. 
1.Read the article again , then fill in the chart.
Step 4 Pair work
1.Let Ss ask and answer with the Simple Past Tense.
2.Compare “the Present Perfect Progressive Tense”and “the Simple Past Tense” 
Make conversations.
1. 复习一般过去时态。
2. 在比较中掌握两种时态。
Step 5 Group work and report.
1. Read the instruction in activity 4 to the class.
1.Ss interview their classmates.Ask them what sports they play and fill in the chart 
Step6 Practice
Let students do exercises. (补充练习)
Do exercises.
Step 6Summary and homework
1. 今天你们学到了什么?
2. 读课文去感悟它的写作技巧.
3. 复述课文。
1. 反复读课文。
2. 复述课文。
3. 培养学生的归纳总结能力。
4. 养成良好的复习习惯。
When did they start skating
What sport do you play?
When did you start?
How long have you been playing         

上一篇:[录像三个一] Unit 8 Why don’t you get you a scarf? 牛中华
下一篇:[录像三个一] 《功和机械能》复习课 翟冬红
