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[录像三个一]Unit 6 I like music I can dance to Section A 张小丽

发布时间:2013-06-26 09:15:10   来源:


Unit 6 I like music I can dance to.
Section A
The First Period
1.M ain phrases
 …that are red.
 …that is big.
2. Express references
 I like music that…
 I love music that…
 I prefer music that…
I like flowers that are red.
I like the house that is big.
Relative clause with that.
…that has great lyrics.
…that I can sing along with.
…that isn’t too loud
Teaching methods
Reading ,speaking practicing listening
Teaching steps:
Step Lead- in
1.Play two kinds of clothes,
2. Revise the relative clause with that by asking what kind of music do you like? Help them to answer, I like music that… I love music that… I prefer music that…
3.Check the homework by asking some students to share their sentences with the class.
Step 2a
Read the instructions to the students and make sure that they know what to do. Go over the four items in the box with the children. Tell them that relative clause with who is used to introduce a person.
Give another sample,
 Amy likes teachers who work hard. Help the students to make some more similar ones.
Tell the children that we are going to hear a boy and a girl talking about the music and musicians they like. Play the recording. Students only listen the first time. Play the tape again. Ask the students to circle T for true and F for false.
Check the answers.
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T
Step 2b
Read the instructions to the students first. Then let them have a look at the chart. Read the model sentence to them.
Say, We will hear the same recording again. Listen carefully, and find out what Carmen and Xu Fei say and complete the sentences in the chart. Play the recording again. Pause the tape if necessary.
Check the answers.
Xu Fei:
1. I prefer groups that play quiet and gentle songs.
3. I like musicians who write their own songs.
2. I love music that’s really loud and energetic.
4. I like musicians who play different kinds of music.
Step 2c
Get two students to read the conversation in the box to the class.
SA: Does Xu Fei like the Moderns?
SB: No, he doesn’t. He prefers…
Read the instructions to the class, and ask another pair to ask and answer, using the information from Activities 2a and 2b to make sure all the students know what to do.
Tell them each pair of them should make a conversation using information from Activities 2a and 2b. Ask them to work in pairs. Move around the classroom checking the progress Grammar Focus
1.Write the three sentences on the blackboard first. Circle the words that and who and underline the relative clauses in all the three sentences.
Ask, What do the relative clauses with that describe--a person or a thing? Help the student to say out the right answer.
Then ask the same question on the relative clauses with who.
Explain that the relative clauses with that describe things and the relative clauses with who are used to describe persons.
Tell them who is for people and that is for things.
2.Ask the students to make up more similar sentences.
Encourage them to ask questions about relative clause.
Step Summary
Say, In this class we’ve done some listening practice on the target language of this unit. We met some more sentences with relative clause, and we did some pairwork
Step Homework
(1) Ask the students to write two sentences with relative clause with who.
(2) Ask the students to write out a conversation they practised in Activity 2c.
…that I can dance to.
Do exercisef from 1 to five and an articie.


Unit6      I like the music that I can dance to.
Period 1
Teaching aims
1.New words
Prefer   lyrics gentle e
2.Express preferences
3.The Attributive Clause
Main points
Teaching methods
Reading ,speaking listening practicing
Teaching steps:
Step Lead- in
1.Play two kinds of music
2. Revise the relative clause with that by asking what kind of music do you like? Help them to answer, I like music that… I love music that… I prefer music that…
3.Check the homework by asking some students to share their sentences with the class.
Step 2a
Read the instructions to the students and make sure that they know what to do. Go over the four items in the box with the children. Tell them that relative clause with who is used to introduce a person.
Give another sample,
 Amy likes teachers who work hard. Help the students to make some more similar ones.
Tell the children that we are going to hear a boy and a girl talking about the music and musicians they like. Play the recording. Students only listen the first time. Play the tape again. Ask the students to circle T for true and F for false.
Check the answers.
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T
Step 2b
Read the instructions to the students first. Then let them have a look at the chart. Read the model sentence to them.
Say, We will hear the same recording again. Listen carefully, and find out what Carmen and Xu Fei say and complete the sentences in the chart. Play the recording again. Pause the tape
Do exercise from 1 to 5 and an article.

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